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What does INFORMS mean?

INFORMS stands for INtegrated Financial Resources Management System. It’s the brand name of the technology that manages budget, procurement, human resources and financial operations systems. It gathers information that decisionmakers need by integrating data from different management systems in one place.

INFORMS provides the basis for continued enhancement and evolution of business processes so that the system keeps pace with changes for years to come. INFORMS truly informs our decisions.

INFORMS is utilized by Miami-Dade County and Constitutional Offices.

Financials and Supply Chain Management

Find a list of helpful guides, job aids, presentations and User Productivity Kits (UPK) associated with the training courses.

Alerts and grams sent to assist after Rollout 1 go-live.

Human Capital Management

Find a list of helpful guides, job aids, presentations and User Productivity Kits (UPKs) associated with the training courses.

Alerts and Grams assisting with Rollout 2 go-live.

Business Intelligence

Find a list of helpful guides, job aids, presentations and User Productivity Kits (UPKs) associated with the training courses.

Alerts and grams sent to assist after Rollout 4 & 5 go-live.

Constitutional Offices

Find a list of helpful guides, job aids, presentations and User Productivity Kits (UPK) associated with the training courses.

Communications sent to assist after COCO Go-live.

INFORMS Calendar

View upcoming INFORMS meetings and trainings.

Go to Calendar

About Us

Learn about who can benefit from INFORMS, our operating principles and who is part of the Executive Steering Committee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read a list of frequently asked questions about INFORMS.

Contact Us

INFORMS Project Team

Submit an online ticket with MyIT or call ITD Service Desk (305) 596-HELP (4357) if you have technology issues with INFORMS (i.e. - unable to access the system, receive system errors, etc).

To submit an online ticket with MyIT, use one of the following links below and follow this How to Submit a MyIT Ticket Job Aid: